Amir Khan and Amitabh Bachchan, who had just recently appeared in the movie 'Thugs of Hindostan', and then had arms in their hands. If both of India's richest people reached the wedding of Mukesh Ambani's daughter Isha Ambani, they would have been serving food this time.
On this occasion, Amitabh Bachchan also leads the Isha Ambani's Kanyadan and also spoke to all the meaning of Kanyadan. Isha Ambani has recently married Anand Piramal. Taking advantage of this on the occasion, many big Bollywood artists were fond of congratulating them. It included all the big stars of Bollywood, whether it was Salman, Shahrukh, Amir, Hrithik Roshan or Bachchan family.You saw Aamir Khan.. Now WATCH : THE Amitabh Bachchan as server SERVING food to guests at Isha Ambani Reception !!— Rosy (@rose_k01) December 14, 2018